School post: The King John School

The following post is written by The King John School. As one of the top ten shortlisted schools this year, the team from The King John School was invited to spend a day at the Design Museum for the Masterclass and Celebration Event. Here are their thoughts about the day…
Design Ventura Masterclass and Celebration Event
Students spent the day taking part in masterclasses at the design museum as part of the Celebration event. They listened to talks by Kickstarter and Inventid head designers and had the opportunity to network with other design professionals. They were introduced to little bit circuit pieces with a design challenge and completed a drawing work shop with Beep Studio. Then the main event of the evening saw their work displayed on plinths to the public and press, students did a fantastic job of explaining their design and promoting their work. They won a commendation for good design and we are now looking into setting up a Kick starter campaign to see our design sold in the school. Well done to our year 9 students, Jasmine, Esther, Luc and Scott. Special thanks to Ms Howard, Mr Lister, Mr Spencer, Mr Barber, Mrs Rowe and Mrs Brown for their support.