Design Ventura Shortlist 2016

Congratulations and thank you to all Design Ventura schools that have completed the project by submitting an entry and participating in the project’s evaluation.
Our panel of shortlisting judges have selected the top entries from the 240 schools who registered to take part, the shortlisted schools will be invited to pitch their idea to a panel of judges here at the new Design Museum in mid December.
All schools that have submitted an entry will receive participation certificates in the post. The shortlisted schools will be contacted separately by email and letter with details of the pitching event.
The Design Ventura top ten shortlisted schools for 2016 are…..
(in alphabetical order)
Alexandra Park School, London
Grow up
A flat packed plant holder that encourages the reuse of containers.
Chancellors School, Hertfordshire
Light up your life
A DIY lamp kit with bendy legs to adapt to many terrains and uses.
Dame Alice Owens School, Hertfordshire
Forest Fits
A unique set of seasonal themed coasters which fit together to create new shapes.
Endon High School, Staffordshire
Skyline Solvers
A tactile, changeable puzzle with images of London’s most popular landmarks.
Harrogate Grammar School, Harrogate
Aqua Hook
A water bottle hook that can be clipped to any loop outside of a bag to carry a bottle.
Invicta Grammar, Maidstone
Eazy Squeezy
A device that can help you to make a cup of tea safely and without mess.
Reepham High School & College, Norfolk
An interactive toy with pop out shapes that can be combined in different ways to create imaginative, fun characters.
St Marylebone School, London
A biodegradable plant pot which changes colour when moist to reveal an image inspired by the Design Museum and to indicate when you need to water the plant.
St Olave’s Grammar School, Kent
Marble blocks
A puzzle game which fits together to make a course for a marble to run through.
Woking High School, Surrey
A colour changing t-shirt to encourage young people to embrace each person’s individuality.
Schools in this category will be contacted separately.
The shortlist for this category is…..
(in alphabetical order)
Chigwell School, Essex
Shadow stories
A bedtime story aid that allows a scene or character to be projected onto a wall or ceiling with the use of a light or torch.
Mill Hill School Foundation, London
Flip Switch
A product that allows children to expand their imagination by creating scenarios for their characters in iconic landmarks backdrops.
Royal Grammar School, Newcastle
Kit Control
A visual checklist enabling the user to physically and mentally check off items of sporting clothing as they pack their sports bag.