Design Ventura 2020 Online Pitching Event

On Wednesday 12 May 2021, the Design Ventura team hosted an online pitching event as part of the Design Ventura 2020 competition. The shortlisted schools were invited to create a 3 minute pitch video explaining their product idea. This was reviewed by our panel of expert judges as part of the online pitching event.

The judges were incredibly impressed by the professionalism of the students’ pitch videos. You can watch a selection of short snippets of these in the video below:
The seven state schools also joined the judges for a 15 minute live Q&A session. This was an opportunity for the judges to ask the students further questions about their design process and product idea. The judges really enjoyed meeting the students and learning more about their designs.
Well done to all the student teams for all their hard work. We look forward to welcoming the state schools to the Design Museum for the Celebration Event on Friday 11 June 2021, where the winner will be announced. The schools in the International and Independent Category will attend an award day at the Design Museum in July.
Good luck teams!