Design Ventura Winning Product 2019 Creative [Un]blocks

The Design Ventura 2019 winners are Twynham School with their product originally called Design Cubes (now Creative [Un]blocks), a set of dice that help combat creative block. Users roll three dice to create a brief that they have to answer in 60 seconds. This fun and inspiring game was a favourite of the judges.

Twynham School’s design sheets demonstrate how the team generated and developed their ideas. The sheets clearly show the team’s design and prototyping processes and how they planned to address the criteria set out in the design brief, as well as allowing our shortlisting judges to clearly understand the final product design.

The team competed against 16,000 students from 300 schools across the UK. With their entry, Twynham School earned a place in the shortlist as one of the ten schools invited to pitch their ideas to a panel of expert judges at Winchester House in December 2019. You can watch this video to find out more about what happens at pitching day.
The team made a convincing case for Design Cubes at the pitching event, presenting an engaging pitch and demonstrating clearly how the product fulfilled the design brief and judges criteria. After much deliberation, the judges decided they should be the winners of Design Ventura 2019.

The Twynham School team were awarded with the Design Ventura trophy at the Celebration Event. All top ten shortlisted products were exhibited at the Design Ventura exhibition at the Design Museum.

Following the Celebration Event, students from Twynham School worked with design studio Triple Double to develop their Design Ventura 2019 winning product. The first product development meeting with the designers took place via Zoom during lock down.
For the second meeting the students travelled to Mile End in London to see the Triple Double Studio.

The socially distanced meeting was followed by a creative workshop where the students used disposable cameras to capture examples of typography in the area.
Due to lockdown, the product was launched on the Design Museum Shop online. Retailing at £5.95, all proceeds from the sales go to the students’ chosen charity Rainforest Alliance UK.

To celebrate the launch of their product, the students enjoyed a half day or creative activities including a typography workshop led by Sarah Hyndman from Type Tasting and had an unboxing of their product.

In February 2021, the Design Museum Shop window had a Creative [Un]Blocks window takeover in High Street Kensington, to showcase the physical products to passers by. Creative [Un]Blocks sold out and raised a grand total of £1560 for Rainforest Alliance UK.

The student team returned to the Design Museum on 17 June 2021 to present a cheque to their chosen charity Rainforest Alliance UK.