DV Summit: Kickstarter – Fear & Love

Posted by Administrator on August 15 2017

Design Ventura

The Design Ventura summit “Design: the problem and the solution” was held on 29 March 2017. Its purpose was to bring together educators, designers, cultural providers and policy makers to discuss how they can ensure that young people are developing creativity, design thinking and employability skills to prepare them for future success.

The following extract is by Anjeli Placzek, from the Concept Lounge, on her take on the issues discussed.

The Concept Lounge hosted sessions for the Design Ventura Summit focusing on the theme of “Design: The Problem and the Solution” in context.

Inspired by the principle of ‘skills fusion’ and the benefits of creativity across all industries we invited delegates to journey through the Design Museum’s immersive Fear & Love exhibition.  Participants reflected upon encounters during the show to consider how seemingly invisible yet vital aspects of design support daily experience and contribute towards a sense of self and habitat.  Together participants considered how innovative thinking and the role of design affect our understanding and navigation of a complex world.

Delegates delved deeper into the notion of humans as story telling animals and design as a tool that guides and reflects our collective narrative.  The benefits of creative thinking and practice were highlighted along with the importance of casting challenges through a fresh lens to achieve unexpected, effective future solutions.

The value of harnessing innovative thinking and problem solving from a young age is something that resonated with all participants.  The workshop feed back concluded that ideally along with an integrated ‘skills fusion’ approach across subject matters at school, support outside the curriculum is invaluable to offer young people an opportunity to experience the potential of their own creativity and to contextualize this skill in the outside world.

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    Design Ventura